
you looking for cheaper DEWALT DW0736 5/8-Inch 11-Threaded Flat Head Tripod?

Discount DEWALT DW0736 5/8-Inch 11-Threaded Flat Head Tripod Online Store

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DEWALT DW0736 5/8-Inch 11-Threaded Flat Head Tripod Overview

Equipped with maximum strength for onsite applications and transportable features, including lightweight construction and handy shoulder strap, the DEWALT DW0736 tripod is a convenient accessory to add to your tool collection. Crafted from quality aluminum, this tripod is sturdy, yet not bogged down by weight. It features a flat head design with 5/8-by-11-inch threaded studs, so assembly is a snap. Flexible legs function with a Quick-Release Clamp, providing the accessory with a close to open range of 42-to-68-inches.

DEWALT DW0736 5/8-Inch 11-Threaded Flat Head Tripod Specification

  • Industry Standard 5/8-inch by 11 mounting threads, flat head design
  • Quick-Release Legs for fast and easy set-up
  • Height 68-inch opened, 42-inch closed
  • Lightweight, durable aluminum construction
  • Pointed steel feet are stable on any terrain; Built-in strap for easy transport

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