
Buy Northwest Instrument Transit Level NSLP500B Package On Sale

Northwest Instrument Transit Level NSLP500B Package Specification

  • 20x Magnification, 1/4" at 100 Feet Accuracy
  • 22mm aperture, 1 degree field of view, 5 feet minimum focus
  • Stadia Ratio - 1:100, Level Vial - 7'/2mm
  • Weight - 4 lb/ 7 lb with case, Tripod Thread - 5/8" x 11. Transit Capability - +/- 45 degree

Northwest Instrument Transit Level NSLP500B Package Overview

This inexpensive, accurate and easy-to-use level is designed for the different leveling applications that you will find on todays job site. This instrument can handle various tasks, whether you need to level foundations, patios or decks, run straight lines, plumb walls or turn angles, perform different grading applications, streets, curbs or landscaping, or any other light construction leveling application. Designed to withstand the rigor of everyday field use, NSLP500B is an excellent choice for your level requirements. Specifications:Transit Capability: +/- 45 DegreesMagnification: 20xWorking Range: 200 ftLeveling Accuracy: 1/4in @ 100 ftImage: ErectObjective Aperture: 22mmStatia Ratio: 1:100Minimum Focus: 3.5 ftDiameter of Horizontal Circle: 4"Graduation: 1degreeSensitivity of Plate Vial: 8'/2mmTangent Style: Double Knob, Continuous DriveLeveling Head: Three Leveling ScrewsTripod Adapter: 5/8 x 11 Includes: NSL500B Transit Level, NAT83 Tripod, NAR09E Rod (3-Section Button-Lock 9FT Alum Rod in 8ths), Carrying Case, and Manual.


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